Our Vision

Bradford Elementary School students will enter middle school with the skills and knowledge needed to attain success without remediation. Our students will be able to communicate effectively through verbal and written expression. Our students will be able to analyze and evaluate text in a variety of genres. Our students will possess the skills, knowledge, and conceptual understanding to effectively problem solve in science and mathematics. Our students will understand the benefits and appropriate uses of technology while encompassing the ability to adapt to variation and change. The learning environment at Bradford Elementary School will promote fair and equal opportunities for all students.

Mission Statement

We plan to bring all students proficiency and beyond by:

  • Continually promoting clear high standards for all students.
  • Using a curriculum framework that is based on performance standards.
  • Maintaining an aligned curriculum both vertically and horizontally.
  • Providing quality instructional facilities, materials, and supplies.
  • Utilizing formative and summative assessment data to drive instruction.
  • Developing appropriate and effective safety nets for students that require remediation.
  • Maintain highly qualified staff who are reflective of practice and desires continual renewal.

Bradford Elementary Video from Haverhill Public Schools on Vimeo.